Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Babylon

We’re glad you’re here

Preach | Reach | Teach


At our church, we believe in the joy of seeking God together. Relationships are at the heart of who we are, and we are captivated by Jesus' invitation to love one another deeply.
We are experiencing a kind of love that transforms—connecting us to each other, to our community, and to the world around us.
Whether you’re full of conviction, wrestling with questions, or simply exploring faith, there’s a place for you here. Come as you are—all are welcome.

Sunday Bulletin & Announcements:

This Week:

Sunday, March 23rd

Sunday, March 23 | Message:

“Looking For Rest In All the wrong places”

 Sunday Services & Programs:

Sunday Growth Groups - 9:00 am
Sunday Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:15 am


Join us Sunday’s for worship, an empowering message, and fellowship
Kids programming available ages 6 months - 5th grade.
At 9:00 AM, we have Spiritual Growth Classes for all ages. We look forward to welcoming you!