Brad is a native Long Islander, hailing from Deer Park. From a young boy, Brad has always been interested in how God is involved in the lives of others. Whether it be through the telling of their “God moments” in their lives or the discovery of how God has led them through a particular trial or challenge, these “A-ha!” moments always intrigued him and spurred him closer to God.
Brad received his own “God” moment when the Lord revealed himself through a stranger. From that moment on, he decided to attend seminary. Since graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2017, Brad's faith journey has led him down several paths, including becoming a Board-Certified Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor. His concentration in Palliative Care Chaplaincy at Capital Health gave him an edge when dealing with multi-generational crises and family systems. Brad is currently the Convener of the West Windsor chapter of chaplains, as he hopes to continue to assist those in their journey toward board certification. During the dissolution and merger of Presbyteries in New Jersey, Brad was a member of the Technical Team Presbytery of the Highlands. During this time, Brad helped oversee and coordinate the historic merger of the Presbyteries of New Jersey to the birth of the Presbytery of the Highlands. Brad's work to continue supporting his Presbytery continues today, as a member of the Administration and Coordination leadership team of the Presbytery of the Highlands. Brad is also Moderator of the upcoming Early Ministry Institute, where he hopes to hear more testimonies of God working in those who are within five years of their first call. In his spare time, Brad loves camping, cooking, and traveling with his family, including his wife Tara, son Rowan, and infant daughter Rory. He hopes to show his children, even if at a distance, all twenty-five historical lighthouses on the Island. We have a checklist!
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.